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2015 - our 17th anniversary year. The Church of Jesus Christ. Also known as the LDS church, and with members often referred to as Mormons.
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随時 祈祷 祈願 阿弥陀堂 本堂 にて厳修. 家内安全 厄除 開運 交通安全 商売繁盛 病気平癒 方位除災. 縁談成就 安産祈願 合格祈願 学業成就 所願成就 身体健全. 各種 木札 紙札あり護摩祈願 添え護摩 1本 300.
On the third floor of the dental school. The museum exhibition celebrates the long, distinguished history from which the Kornberg School of Dentistry evolved, featuring a rich array of unique dental artifacts that also present the history of dentistry in America.